Fey Run Cut Short by Injury
This was a road clearly paved with great intentions.
On June 25, College of Saint Mary Cross Country Coach Derek Fey embarked on a 10-day, 471-mile run across Nebraska. Fey began the ultra-marathon in Henry, Nebraska, along the Wyoming border, with plans to finish on Wednesday, July 1, at City Hall in downtown Omaha. Coach Fey’s goal was to help his team raise funds to participate in the Mountain Dew Invitational in Gainesville, Florida, this fall.
Fey collected pledges, and alumnae and friends made plans to follow Fey’s travels via social media and the CSM website.
Unfortunately, the coach’s plans were cut short on day three due to reoccurring pains and discomfort in his quadriceps and arches.
“After the first mile on day three, I immediately noticed pain in both of my arches. I stopped for a break, and my crew handed me insoles to elevate them,” Fey said.
Sharp pains continued, forcing him to switch to a second, and then a third, pair of running shoes.
“By mile 10 it was clear that the pain was not going away. Every stride was excruciatingly painful. It felt like knives jabbing into my feet with every step. The beginnings of stress fractures were evident,” he said.
By mile 13, Fey said he had a visible limp and began walking. At mile 16, after running 116 miles in three days, he called it quits.
“Although I’m disappointed to have been sidelined by injury, the scenery was the most beautiful I have ever seen. It was an amazing experience and one of the most memorable journeys of my running career,” he said.