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Celebrating 2015 Commencement

Mercy Hall Dining Room Nears Completion

Construction that began just five months ago on Mercy Hall is moving forward at a rapid pace according to College of Saint Mary Chief Administration Officer Kim Savicky.

Savicky, who oversees facilities, said the dining room is scheduled to open in early September with the other areas in Mercy Hall scheduled for completion by the end of the fall semester.

“With students now on campus and our annual alumnae reunion and Founders Day dinner scheduled for mid-September, our top priorities are to complete the dining room and Mercy Hall Meeting Room as soon as possible,” Savicky said

Until the dining room is fully functional, the University’s food service partner Chartwells is serving meals in the Hillmer Art Gallery. Students also have the option of eating at Christina’s Place in the Hixson-Lied Commons.

Last spring, meals were served around the track in the Lied Fitness Center to accommodate construction.

“I’ve been exceptionally pleased with our students and their ability to adapt and be patient. The end result will be a wonderful new space for food and fellowship,” Savicky said.

The $6.7 million capital improvement project reconfigures the dining room with new serving stations, furniture, dishware and contemporary decor to enhance the student dining experience. It also includes the remodel of the Enrollment Services area, located on the first floor of Mercy Hall, to feature a spacious lobby outlined by offices for admissions personnel, and a new President’s Dining Room to host alumnae and friends for special occasions and meetings.

View the galleries of construction photos: