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Middle Grades – Art Program Mini-Folio Report


Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Nebraska Department of Education Program Approval process for College of Saint Mary Teacher Education.  We appreciate your time and effort in providing feedback and insight to inform program improvement.

This Rule 24 Folio reports information and data for the academic years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.  Documentation provided – such as handbooks, catalogs, sequence sheets, program plans and evaluations or assessment tools - was used during the academic years listed and supports the written report.  Any substantial programmatic changes will be revealed at the off-site review scheduled for October of 2016. 

Dee Acklie, PhD
Teacher Education Program Director
College of Saint Mary
dacklie [at]

Directions for Navigating

Organization:  This webpage provides narrative, data, data analysis and supporting documentation for the College of Saint Mary Rule 24 Folio for the listed endorsement program.  Document pages are listed below.  Click any link to access the information on that page. Narrative responses are provided where necessary along with reference to Appendices.

Accessing Hot Links:   All supporting documents are hot links. To open appendices, supporting documents or web links, left-click on the hot link and the document will open in a separate tab.

Support:  Should you encounter difficulties with accessing any documents, please contact Dee Acklie (402.399.2606) or CSM PCHelp (PCHelp [at] or 402.399.5300)