Commencement 2025
Congratulations, you are GRADUATING!
On this site, you'll find information regarding Graduation as well as Graduation Events. When you register for Graduation, you will provide your information for cap and gown measurements and provide your mailing address to receive your diploma. If possible, please try to carpool due to the number of graduates participating in commencement this year.
Registration for Graduation is due March 21:
Register for Commencement Ceremony and Order Cap & Gown
Tuesday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 14
Cap and Gown Pickup
Noon - 6 p.m. | Lied Fitness Center Fieldhouse
Saturday, May 17
1 p.m. Baccalaureate Mass | Our Lady of Mercy Chapel
3 p.m. Undergraduate & Graduate Commencement | Lied Fitness Center Fieldhouse
The ceremony will include the academic procession of graduates, the national anthem, and a Graduation address.
- Please arrive no later than 2 p.m. in the Lied Fitness Center Gym (left side of the building).
- The ceremony will last approximately 1.5 hour.
- Professional photos will be taken when you receive your diploma. The photographer will give you a QR code on how to order as well as provide and email to order photos after the event.
- There will also be family picture taking stations in the Fieldhouse.
- Please return your robe to the robing area after the ceremony in the gym.
- Honor cords for eligible undergraduate students will be distributed before the ceremony.
Tips for decorating your cap
The commencement ceremony is a time of celebration for you and your family and friends. It is a traditional and dignified event, so we don’t want to distract from the ceremony or the celebration of each student. We want it to be memorable for everyone. Use your imagination and decorate your hat as you wish, but please keep it in good taste and in the spirit of a special ceremony.
A few simple rules to follow would be:
- Nothing dangling from the sides
- Nothing elevated from the cap or sticking up high
- No lights or noises
Order Announcements (Optional)
Announcements are personalized, take 7-10 business days and are mailed directly to your home.
Fill Out Graduate Exit Survey
Each year, we ask all of our graduates to fill out an exit survey so that we can improve our academic programs, update our records and stay in touch with you! All responses are confidential and may only be shared with our Academic Affairs and/or Alumnae Office. Fill out this short survey for a chance at a $50 Gift Card! (note: Undergraduates only fill out the Undergraduate survey; Graduate students only fill out the Graduate survey):
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
graduation [at] (Questions?)