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College of Saint Mary bucks national trend of declining enrollment for small private colleges

Monday, February 8, 2016

Omaha, Neb. – College of Saint Mary continues to buck the trend of falling enrollment numbers at small private colleges. For the past few years, small private colleges across the U.S. have faced a decline in the total number of students. Yet, CSM has not just held steady numbers, it has increased the total of students in spring 2016 by 6 percent over spring 2014.

Despite news articles from national media outlets such as U.S. News and World Report, Huffington Post and Wall Street Journal that have all in the past year reported dire straits for small non-profit institutions, CSM continues to thrive. Those news reports show that in addition to falling enrollment numbers, other symptoms of ailing institutions include the reduction of academic programs and faculty layoffs. CSM has not only increased its numbers of students, it has also increased the number of academic programs and fulltime faculty.

“That increase in enrollment shows that College of Saint Mary is a healthy, thriving institution,” says CSM Vice President for Enrollment Services Sara Hanson. There are good reasons for it, she adds.

“Prospective students are looking for an affordable education that provides a real return on their investment, as well as an enriching academic experience,” says Hanson. “Our academic programs are in strong, high-paying industries, and we offer our students the kind of environment that develops not only their leadership capabilities, but their personal qualities, as well.”

The majority of the “100 Best Jobs” according to U.S. News and World Report Money can be found in business and in the healthcare industry. CSM’s business programs include a bachelor’s in business analytics & strategic communication and a master of science in organizational leadership. CSM also offers programs in some of the nation’s highest-paying healthcare fields including physician assistant, nursing and occupational therapy.