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President's Statement in Response to Texas School Shooting

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Dear CSM Community:

I have been wanting to reflect with you on the violence in our society. The mass shooting targeting African Americans in Buffalo occurred on the day we celebrated our 2022 graduates and this week we are again shocked by the loss of young lives in a Texas elementary school. The news reports attest to over 200 such events so far just this year. Those perpetrating these killings are not responding to simple bursts of anger; no, investigations attest to these events being planned. Hate of a particular group or hate festered by disappointment, a grudge, hurt, etc. takes hold and plans are made to strike out and kill others.

What are we to feel, to do?

We feel sadness. I am sure I am not alone in barely being able to watch the news without tears welling up, as I see loved ones of those killed grieving and telling stories of those lost. My god, how do the mothers and fathers go on? How might these families heal? The small child survivor asks, ‘why did this happen, we didn’t do anything wrong?’

We feel anger. Why can’t we do something? In all these events, those killed are rarely even known to the perpetrator. Can’t we keep guns from getting into the hands of people with serious mental health issues? Why is this such a problem here in the United States and not elsewhere?

What can we do? We can pray. In our grief, we can be in solidarity with those carrying this tragic burden of grief. Prayer changes people; people change the world. We can pray to know what needs to be changed so that this scourge of hate ceases.

Today is Ascension Thursday in the Catholic liturgical calendar.

This feast day, 40 days after Easter, marks Jesus’ leave-taking from earth. He promises to send the Spirit to inspire the disciples’ courage to spread the call to follow Him by caring for others. Jesus had taught the disciples to care, to go beyond what separated people and to embrace them, no matter how poor, lame, or broken.

One of the readings in today’s liturgy depicts the apostles looking up to the sky as Jesus reportedly ascends. Two angels appear saying, ‘Why are you staring into the sky? Your work is here.’ Yes, our work is here. We must do something if only to spread more love, care, and kindness. We must urge those we sense have emotional instability to get help.

I am proud of the oasis of care and kindness College of Saint Mary claims. Let us be those great-souled people so desperately needed by our time. Let us be animated by the Spirit to courageously confront hate and evil.

Today we will light 21 candles in the chapel to note the 21 lives lost in Texas. Each time there is one of these events, we will do the same, inviting all to stop in and pray for those grieving.

Thank you all for your care, your prayers, your anger at these events. May it inspire us to do more good.

Dr. Maryanne Stevens, RSM
College of Saint Mary