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EdD Frequently Asked Questions

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As you consider advancing your education with a Online Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership, please review the following information. We know this is an important decision for you and your family, so we have answered the most frequently asked questions about our programs.


Q. How long will it take to complete the online EdD?
A. You can complete the program in 3 years through our full-time program or 5 years in our part-time program.

Q:  What is the course rotation for this program?
A:  This information is shown on the Course Program of Study.

Q. Who would benefit from this degree? What are common job titles for those that graduate?
A. This EdD degree supports those in the fields of education, health professions, and corporate or business settings. Our graduates often work as higher education faculty, healthcare leadership, curriculum/program directors or department chairs, professional development directors, and corporate trainers.

Q: What sets this online program apart from others?
A. There are four key reasons why College of Saint Mary’s program stands apart from others:

  1. We have diverse student body. Professionals from the fields of education, health professions, and corporate America join us each fall from around the country. Thanks to our cohort format, these professionals spend 3-5 years creating a learning community that shares personal and professional experiences, problem solves, and grows in their abilities to lead, teach, or facilitate learners, and research.
  2. We provide support throughout the entire dissertation process. Our candidates write chapters 1-3 of their dissertation under the guidance of faculty and their dissertation chair. While many programs send their candidates off on their own after the research proposal defense, College of Saint Mary’s EdD program supports our candidates throughout the data collection and analysis processes. Candidates are enrolled in a specific dissertation course each semester where they receive faculty support and engage with cohort members. The course offers opportunities for goal setting, feedback, accountability, and assistance with each of the final stages of the dissertation process.
  3. Based on the 18-person membership of each of our cohorts, a learning community is created where faculty and learners know each other. Faculty meet frequently with students online or in person, if local. Learners meet virtually through whole group discussion, small group discussion, and one-on-one meetings through courses and advising sessions. 
  4. The program is personalized to individualized professional goals. Because our program supports learners from education, the health professions, and the corporate setting, course projects and research are open-ended and immediately applicable to one’s field. Learners are offered opportunities to select the focus that is relevant to their professional needs.


Q:  How will I know if online learning is for me?
A: To be successful in online education, the graduate learner must be motivated. Online learning requires setting aside 12-15 hours per week for coursework. Computer literacy with general internet and software experience is required. You will need to be willing to create relationships with your peers and faculty members from across the country. Clear communication and an openness to growth are vital to success in the virtual setting.

Q:  How long are the courses?
A: There are two eight-week sessions during the fall and spring semesters with a one-week break between the two sessions. During the summer, there is a one eight-week session.  You will take 1-3 courses in a semester depending upon whether you are in the part-time or full-time cohort.

Q:  How many credits is the degree?
A:  The degree is 87 credits, but you will transfer in up to 36 credits from your master’s degree. The credit load each semester is between 4 and 7 credits for the 3-year program and 3-4 credits for the 5-year program.


Q:  What kind of technology do I need to participate in this program?
A:  You will need Internet connection and word processing software. Our campus uses the CANVAS Learning Management System. See the technology requirements for using CANVAS. In addition, learners are required to meet synchronously each semester through either Zoom or Canvas Conference. You will need working audio and video to participate in the class meetings.

Q:  What is a synchronous communication platform, and why is it helpful?
A:  CSM uses Canvas Conference and Zoom, which allow learners to engage with their instructors and cohort members. Through synchronous meetings, our learners will expand their knowledge and skills and build community with their faculty and colleagues.



Q:  What are the admission requirements?
A:  See the admissions requirements tab for the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and complete an application.

Q:  What is the cost of the program?
A:  The online EdD is $760.00 per credit hour for the 2024-2025 academic year. Books are available from the College of Saint Mary Campus Store. No other fees are charged. Our Financial Aid department will work with you to make sure you have the resources needed to finance your education.


Q:  How can I find out more about this program?
A:  Register to attend one of our virtual open houses. You can participate from the convenience of your home or work.

Q:  Will there be any orientation to this program?
A:  Yes. There will be a virtual orientation that takes place in July.

Q:  Who should I contact if I have questions?
A:  Feel free to contact Program Director kpriesman [at] (subject: Online%20Ed.D.) (Kristi Preisman) at 402-399-2602 or enroll [at] (subject: Online%20Ed.D.) (Enrollment Services) at 402-399-2355.